San Francisco Unified School District 2011 Bond Master Planning and Green Schoolyard Projects
In 2011 SFUSD sought to build on the successes and aspirations of the 2006 Bond projects. BAY TREE DESIGN worked with the District and local school communities on the 2011 Bond’s pilot program, Starr King Elementary School, as well as Webster and McKinley Elementary Schools.
Starr King, called GreenSchoolyard 2.0, had the visionary goal of including stormwater management, rainwater harvesting, place-based plant and tree selection, and an environment for enriching play and learning as SFUSD’s first public school in San Francisco to comply with SFPUC’s stormwater regulations.
Utilizing the community participation techniques from Starr King and building on SFUSD’s growing guidelines for greening schools BAY TREE DESIGN worked with two school communities to realize their dreams for their yards. The greening for each school followed Modernization work and involved envisioning a full build out of each yard with strategic construction for the framework of the initial key greening elements.
Project Information
Client: San Francisco Unified School District
Location: San Francisco, California
Starr King Elementary: 1 acre
McKinley Elementary: 1.7 acres
Daniel Webster Elementary: 1.3 acres
Starr King Elementary: 2015
McKinley Elementary: 2017
Daniel Webster Elementary: 2017