Title Nine Headquarters
BAY TREE DESIGN recently won a design competition to collaborate with Title Nine[1] a women-led business, to convert their auto-based parking lot at their headquarters into a community-commons with sustainable parking alternatives.
BTD's design reflects the company's spirit of play, risk-taking, and community which defines the company culture. A terrace, connected to the building with garage doors, provides spaces to collaborate, eat, and socialize. Just beyond it is the central sports-court where employees may pick up a game of pickleball or basketball or participate in lunch time workouts. Breakout nooks, named after key women leaders, provide quieter spaces for people to work and collaborate around the edges of the site. Details and elements that enforce these uses and areas include parkour bars, swings, wood platforms, a grill and counter, and bike-charging stations.
The design creates a multi-faceted experience for the staff of Title Nine for daily use as well as events.
Project Information
Client: Title Nine
Photography: Caitlin Atkinson
Builder: Ian Moore Design
Location: Emeryville, CA
Size: .2 Acres
1] Title Nine is a women-led business named after the 1972 civil rights law that guaranteed women the right to participate in publicly funded athletic programs. The company sells woman's sports apparel and cultivates empowerment of women through taking risks in sports and leadership roles in their communities.